Saturday, November 24, 2012


Saturday November 24, 2012
            Happy two days after Thanksgiving and one day after Black Friday (or Brave Friday, whichever you choose)! If you were to ask me how long it had been since my last blog entry I would have guessed four or five days, but, alas, it’s been nine! Time flies . . .
Thanksgiving week started with my dear friend, Myca Blue, getting married. I was deeply touched to be there for her special day. Ridiculously classy wedding, beautiful bride, tears, food, dancing; can't get much better. Hudson definitely snagged the communion bread on the way out too. 
We had an excellent Thanksgiving! I helped my mom with the Turkey, starting the evening before Thanksgiving. It was actually quite fun, made more fun by the boys running around and a great bottle of white wine. This is only the second time I have voluntarily been involved in the cooking process of Thanksgiving and I will say, cooking a Turkey is disgusting. The huge blob of raw, fleshy poultry, pulling out the bagged organs placed in the orifices like accessories, re-stuffing said orifices with something edible. . . Good thing I know it ends well.
The morning of Thanksgiving started with our First Annual Flag Football Game. Hudson and Harper thought the playground was much better than the game. Luckily my mom showed up to watch the boys and two of the Uncles showed up to play the game with David and me. Wonderful time (even with the unnaturally sore muscles)!
Thanksgiving (hosted at The Parent’s house) was exactly as it should be! Excellent food and drink, full bellies, full house, lots of family, loud talking, and us all saying what we’re thankful for (which, of course, involves crying). Parents, Brothers, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, David’s mom Jennifer . . . The night ended with pie, clean up (so many dishes), and more loud talking. We were so tired we ended up spending the night. 
The next day was a pretty big deal as well; Harper received his first haircut! Even though emotionally I was not ready for this event, I felt guilty that his hair kept ratting, getting pulled, and tickling his neck and ear. It was time. With the help of a Youtube video playing on a laptop and some cranberry jello, we got it done (meaning my mom got it done. Just one of her many talents, along with Turkey cooking). He didn’t love the cut hair falling on his arms and back and he needed a nap break. My mom did the cut in two sessions. He boasted a serious mullet for a while there! I was tempted to leave it. Ha.
Hudson and David got haircuts too (thanks mom!). My three handsome men! Great Thanksgiving, great over-night stay, and so great to come home (even if said home was/is a disaster, made more of a disaster by boys getting sick, throw up in our bed, etc). Ah.

Earlier in the week: Harper deciding "Slim Wranglers" are not his jean.

Series of photos I like.

Thanksgiving prep.
The After Thanksgiving Feast Lull.

First snip.

The mullet and wiping his arms of hair.
Beautiful face.
The end result.


  1. Can't wait to see you guys Monday night. Harps' hair is SO cute!!!

    1. Agreed. We miss you and the rest of the GC! Thanks! Harper does look so cute! They look like twins now. I do miss his wispy hair though.

  2. Harper's hair is adorable. I love your family, I miss hangouts with them. One day I will visit again.
